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How To Enable Split Tunneling On Android
Johnny HollickApr 3, 2024

Split Tunneling on Android devices is limited to applications. Here are the steps to enable this on your Android device:

1. Open the Windscribe app on your device and tap the Preferences/Menu icon in the top left

Menu button location in Android app

2. Go to the Connection sub menu

Connection Menu location in-app

3. Select the Split Tunnel option

Split Tunnel button in-app

4. Toggle the switch to ON (green) to enable Split Tunneling

Split Tunnel toggle on switch

5. Choose which mode of Split Tunnel you'd like to use: Exclusive or Inclusive

Split Tunnel mode selection box

6. Scroll through the list of apps or use the search bar to find the application you want to use, then click the check mark to add it to the tunnel

Apps selected from the list to enter the tunnel

App search bar and selection

7. Finally, return to the main application screen, disconnect from the VPN and reconnect. You will see a small divergent arrows icon below the connect button when Split Tunneling is enabled

Icon location showing Split Tunnel is active

Note: If you have Always ON VPN enabled, and you have Block All Connections Not Using VPN enabled, Exclusive mode will not work, as non VPN connections will be blocked (as expected).

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